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Lasercube 1.4
Screen Shots:
Please read : level 7 means the cube will have 7 segments per face. Level 8 means 8 segments per face and so on until 10. LEVEL 10 is very HARD and LEVEL 7 is quite EASY :-) Hope this helps.
---- device limitation ----
This game will work on iPhone 3GS, 4 and 4S, iPad 1 and 2 / iOS 5.
---- the background ----
A Long, Long Time Ago, On A Planet Populated With Strange Creatures, A Bright Ball Crossed The Atmosphere And Landed In A Lake.
The Ball Stayed Here For Ages.
The Strange Creatures Became Beings Endowed With Intelligence. They Found The Ball. It Took A Very Short Period Of Time Before The First Natural Disaster Happened. Hundreds Of Creatures Lost Their Live.
They Realized That The Ball Was Responsible For That And Decided To Hide Its Terrible Power In A Cube Made Of A Very Rare Metal : The LaserCube.
---- the game ----
Challenge the cube and try to discover the position of the ball, in 3D environment. If we find smart people to solve the cube with Level 10, we will probably add a second ball !
Facebook integration : a post will be sent with your score, but only if you win !
Twitter integration : in the next version.
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