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Last Bird Standing 1.465
Screen Shots:
"Bump all those birds away and be... The Last Bird Standing."
The birds are going wild in your barn. Luckily you have "Bumpy the Bird" to prevent the swarm. Control "Bumpy the Bird" by flying and bumping the top of these wild birds to crush them. Protect "Bumpy the Bird" from being bumped on top as well.
Discover 11 different types of wild birds hatching out from the nests. Bump all those birds away and be... The Last Bird Standing.
* NOTE: This game is not the same as Flappy Bird or any type of Flappy Bird games
* Free and challenging arcade game
* Gameplay similar to the Atari arcade game "Joust"
* Tap the left or right screen to fly "Bumpy the Bird" left and right
* Practice game available to familiarize with controls
* Cute and colorful wild birds will emerge from either of the 4 nests
* Crush those wild birds to protect the barn
* Bump the top of wild birds to crush them and earn points similar to Super Mario Bros. style
* Avoid "Bumpy the Bird" from being bumped on top by the wild birds
* Different wild birds with different skills or powers
* Catch those eggs bouncing like balls during bonus rounds and earn points
* Get those hearts when they emerge from the nests to increase your life
* Get those bombs when they emerge to kill all wild birds
* "Bumpy the Bird" starts with 3 lives and increases depending on points earned
Enjoy the adventure and be the man in The Last Bird Standing.