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Letter Slide Glow 1.0
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Get your Slide On! Letter Slide Glow is a FREE fully featured game with Solo and Multiplayer mode via GameCenter.
Letter Slide Glow is a pinch of the Classic Slide Puzzle with a dash of Crossword, which makes this uniquely fun and ridiculously addicting word puzzle game a must-have for word gamers everywhere.
The goal is simple...Rearrange the tiles to form words. These seemingly simple game mechanics make this game incredibly easy to pickup and extremely difficult to put down. Prove your intellectual worth with Game Center leaderboards and achievements. For those of you wishing to vanquish your foes on a more personal level, feel free to engage in the Multiplayer mode for unlimited action.
How to Play:
-Words must be spelled left to right or top to bottom. Tiles must be adjacent to each other.
-Simply slide/flick the letters into the empty positions on the board to create a word.
-Hit the "Enter Word" button to go into "Spell Mode".
-Tap the first letter of the word and then the last letter of the word to spell it.
-Upon release of the last letter of the word, it will automatically spell the word and check its validity against the dictionary.
-You will then collect your points and automatically go back into "Slide Mode".
Game Modes:
-"Solo" mode
-"Multiplayer" mode
-"Scholar" - two minute game session
-"Savant" - five minute game session
-"Pick up and play" intuitive controls.
-Smart selection for spelling words.
-Beautiful Glow user interface.
-Amazing ambient soundtrack.
-Hilarious yet combative robotic voiceovers.
-Game Center for achievements and leaderboards.
-Exciting multiplayer action available.
-Completely randomized boards for infinite replayability!