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Low Grav Racer 2 Lite 1.0
Screen Shots:
The instantly playable arcade racer is back and this time it's Bigger, Better and Faster.
Low Grav Racer 2 lite is the 'free-to-play' limited version of Cobra Mobile's awesome new game, Low Grav Racer 2.
Low Grav Racer 2 lite combines intense high speed racing and shoot-em-up action to create a unique handheld experience, designed specifically for the iPhone and iPod Touch.
Low Grav Racer 2 lite perfectly combines the Touch, Tilt and Accelerometer features of the iPhone with stunning visuals and heart pounding action to give you one of the finest all round racing and action experiences on the iPhone.
Plus+ enabled; add friends, access Leaderboards, earn Plus+ awards.
● Awesome 3D graphics.
● Single play or Time Trial.
● 3 Ships to race in 2 Race Classes.
● Blisteringly fast and super smooth game-play.
● 2 Tracks to sample.
● Omega Mines, Speed Boosts, Barrel Beams and Time Warps.
● Alpha Missiles, Trident Missiles and Shields.
● Custom soundtrack & 3D spatial sound.
● Plus+ awards and Leaderboards.
See Low Grav Racer 2 in action at and see other great Cobra games in action at -
Follow Cobra Mobile on Twitter @cobramobile
Check out Cobra Mobile's other fantastic iOS games including, iBomber, iBomber Defense, Numba, Storm in a Teacup, Powerslide Penguin, Mouse About and Low Grav Racer.