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Lunar Silver Star Story Touch 2.0.1
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Long ago, a great Dragonmaster named Dyne, with the aid of his faithful companions, defended the goddess Althena from a terrible evil. Time has passed, and those great adventurers have become the stuff of legend, but the world of Lunar is now threatened by a shadowy figure known as the Magic Emperor. In a humble village, far removed from the turmoil, lives a young man named Alex. Idolizing the legendary Dyne, Alex dreams of one day becoming a renowned Dragonmaster and matching the achievements of his lifelong hero. Encouraged by his childhood friend Ramus, Alex sets out with his companion Nall and his adopted sister Luna on a seemingly trivial quest, unaware that it would prove to be the first step in an epic adventure whose outcome will determine the fate of the entire world.
Following the critically-acclaimed iOS port of the Japanese roleplaying game Vay, SoMoGa has returned to bring you Lunar: Silver Star Story, now with numerous enhancements for iOS! A traditional, turn-based Japanese RPG, this port offers:
- Nearly a full hour of animated cut scenes
- Remastered soundtrack with high quality music and voice tracks
- A completely updated interface designed specifically for iOS
devices, including an onscreen joypad
- GameCenter integration
- NEW! Retina artwork and widescreen gameplay
- NEW! GameController support
- And much more!