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M Bounce Throw It Neo V1.00
Screen Shots:
Nokia S60 v5
Compatible Nokia Phones Nokia 5800 Nokia 5530 Nokia 5230
Nokia 5233 Nokia 5235 Nokia 5250 Nokia C6-00 Nokia C5-03 Nokia C5-4 Nokia C5-05 Nokia C5-06 Nokia N97 Nokia X6
The game requires QT 4.6.3 or above installed on your mobile.
Throw It is a good pass time game for Symbian S60 5th and Symbian^3 touch screen mobiles. The concept of this game is very simple. In our daily life, we throw the useless paper to dustbin. Sometimes the dusbin is not very near but at a little distance, so we try keeping an eye on dustbin and throw the paper in such a way it gets right into the dustbin. This game is based on the same concept but comes with a little twist of adding fan in between.
Throw the paper ball into the rubbish bin. You can throw it in any direction to overcome the wind force. Challenge your friends to break your records and share the joy of throwing. There are total 5 stages or locations where you can do your practice of throwing the paper ball. These are:
* Living Room
* Restaurent
* Wahsroom
* Garden
* Lobby
To give the real feel of each location, there is background sound associated. For example, you will hear the sound of people in Restaurent. The graphics of this game is really nice and you will love playing this game on your mobiles. This game is a fun. This game is developed by MBounce for mobiles such as Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, N97, N97 Mini, X6, 5230, 5233, 5235, 5530 XpressMusic, Nokia N8, Nokia E7, Nokia C6-01 and Nokia C7.