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Magic Balls Island 1.0.3
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4/5 stars by Macworld, 4.5/5 stars by, 4/5stars by
“Lines Deluxe may have a ridiculous name, but I have to admit—it’s pretty addictive...has replayability—as do many of the “Match 3” puzzle games—and at just $2, it’s completely worth it.” –
"...Despite the number of similar titles available in the App Store I found Lines Deluxe to be an addictive puzzler with all of the basics working together to produce a quality game that produces many hours of puzzling fun...." -
"...not only is it nice to look at, it also forces you to think a few steps ahead, very much like chess; with three new spheres appearing after every move, pretty soon you’ll have nowhere to move to. Lines Deluxe is an addictive puzzle that’ll have you racing against yourself in no time....." -
Move spheres into straight lines to earn scores and clear up the grid while other spheres keep appearing. Lines Deluxe has a very simple objective but extremely addictive gameplay. How far can you go on surviving the puzzle?
. The peace of nature with a tropical island and ancient magics.
. Exotic music that would bring the players out of their current atmosphere.
. Classic mode and extreme mode with 4 types of powerups that add more strategy to the original gameplay.
. 3 different styles of play in each mode suit every kind of players: play carefully, play fast or just play for relaxation.
. Attractive scoring system for greater rewards when matching up multiple spheres and using powerups.
. Local highscores or online highscores.
. Undo and redo.
. Autosave when receiving calls or exiting the game suddenly.
Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch.
Requires iPhone OS 2.2 or later.