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Magic Button 2.1
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There are plenty of Task Managers available for Pocket PC. However if you are still searching for the right one, try this software.
Why Magic Button worth considering to download and replace your existing one:
- It is free.
- Does not take up any of your screen real estate, yet easy to access.
- Located on title bar but does not cover any standard info, i.e. Sound icon, notification icon.
- Very small foot print (memory usage). Only 71 KB executable file does it all (help file is 8 KB extra).
- Makes close button really close applications. Just in case you haven't noticed, the default one only minimizes them.
- Compatible with latest and greatest Windows Mobile 6.0 (new in version 2.0).
Magic Button looks clean and blends surprisingly well with Pocket PC OS. For those who do not want too fancy or too complicated Task Manager, this is for you.
If you have installed the software, here is how to master the tool:
- To unload (shutdown) Magic Button: Tap and hold on Close button, then tap and hold on Home icon.
- To show/hide the taskbar: tap and hold the OK/Minimize/Close button.
- To show the application menu that has Settings and Exit menu items: tap and hold Today (Home) icon when it is visible.
- Map a PocketPC application button to Magic Button software then you can show/hide the bar easier by pressing the button.
- To close an individual window: tap and hold its window icon on the task bar.
- To change Close Button behaviour (Close instead of Minimize) for an application: tap and hold on the app icon and select "Keep Alive" option.
Magic Button runs on Pocket PC 2002, 2003, 2003SE and Windows Mobile 5.0 and 6.0. VGA screen is supported.