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Magnetic Sports Soccer Lite 1.0
Screen Shots:
Enjoy again the soccer experience of your youth, this time with added dynamism in a beautiful and detailed 3D environment, such that your children can enjoy it too.
Magnetic Sports Soccer (Football) is based on the classic table soccer game where players were mounted on a spring right in the middle of a shallow pit. We implemented magnetic forces together with the shallow pit for a more dynamic and spectacular game. More, now you can move your goalkeeper and even tilt the board.
Customize your team and start playing!
Challenge your friends everywhere online. Magnetic Sports soccer is the ultimate way to create and play soccer championships.
Who will be the best Magnetic Sports Soccer team! Come on and join us to try to be the one!
Lite version features:
One full 3D arena, players and physics.
Play against the AI in a quickmatch.
Challenge your friends on the same device
Compete against the best in the world on internet in one online match per day.
Chat during online matches with your opponent.
Play your iTunes music in game.
Magnetic Sports Soccer is OpenFeint Enabled.
Unlock 30 achievements.
Publish your results on Facebook.
Full game features:
Unlimited online matches
Customized matches
- Select duration of the match
- Select to play up to a certain goal number
- Choose if the ball can go out or play inside a box
- Pick from 3 different arenas
Play against the AI and choose from the 4 levels of difficulty
Play to win the challenges or world cup championship.
Challenge your friends locally
- on Bluetooth
- on local WiFi
Published by BulkyPix
Developed by Revo Solutions