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Martha Speaks Dog Party 1.0
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A US Dept. of Education-funded study found target vocabulary improved up to 31 percent for children ages 3-7 who played this Parents' Choice Recommended app over a two-week period. Includes FOUR fun-filled games starring Martha, the talking dog from the popular PBS KIDS TV series MARTHA SPEAKS(TM).
Players pick a plate to match the right word and then have their dog lick it clean by moving each dog's tongue around with their finger. Eww! The game introduces these words: striped, nature, nautical, mauve, triangular, colorful, teal, round, square, rectangular, floral, superhero, checkerboard, diamonds, numbers, letters, crimson, instruments, vehicles, and astronauts.
In this self-leveling game, players listen for Martha's "Martha Says" command to get her doggie friends to sit, walk or run. The game introduces these words: pace, stroll, amble, dart, gallop, sprint, halt, freeze, and rest.
Accessorize the Dog Party guests. Choose among four different dogs and a wide variety of accessories. Players can even take a portrait of their favorite pooch. Pictures are automatically saved to your Photos album (sunflower icon on iPhone). The game introduces these words: stylish, designer, style, fabulous, accessory, fashionable, and portrait.
Players take this balloon-popping quiz to reinforce and test their knowledge of the vocabulary words. See how many points you can score!
Have more fun with Martha and her friends at
Learn about other PBS KIDS mobile apps at
Martha Speaks is a trademark and copyright of Susan Meddaugh and used under license. All rights reserved.