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Michael Schachts Gold 1.20
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From Michael Schacht, the award-winning designer of Coloretto and Zooloretto, a very clever set-collection game.
You start the game with a single donkey card and from there must adroitly swap, take, and (occasionally) steal cards in order to acquire highly-valued trios. The donkeys can be great when you're prospecting for gold, but scoring them is worth negative points, so you must plan your moves with care!
Three different opponents, each with their own personality, challenge you at a variety of difficulty levels to make the game very replayable.
Gold is built on the same successful MobileEuroCard platform that was used to create Reiner Knizia's High Society, Kingdoms, and Money. Simple gestures allow you to swap and take cards. Everything is animated, for a colorful play experience. And now, for the first time ever, we've added audio to our gaming toolkit with simple ambient sounds.
Gold is being simultaneously released on the iPhone and in print at the Nurnberg Toy Fair.
** Though this game supports GameCenter, it's currently only used for Achievements and LeaderBoards. Multiplayer play is expected for a future revision. **