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Mission Deep Sea 1.3
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67% OFF - TIME LIMITED SALE! The year is 2016, and technological advancements have allowed us to control sea turtles to carry out underwater missions for the good of humanity. Using the sea turtle’s natural ability to swim long distances underwater, you must locate radioactive waste and label it for destruction.
A well-designed and graphically imaginative world beneath the sea! Explore the environment in three dimensions, diving into shipwrecks and wandering through underwater gardens.
For the first time ever, dive into the ocean and experience underwater swimming as a sea turtle.
An ingenious use of the touch screen to control the turtle! Place your fingers in the middle of the screen, and sweep to the corners to propel your turtle in any direction.
Players can see how they compare to other players in the world via a comprehensive scoring system, online leaderboards and achievements through the Crystal Social Gaming Community! Also, challenge your friends anytime anywhere!
Mission: Deep Sea is developed by Hiccup Studios and published by Chillingo Ltd