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Mission Impossible Pro For Ipad 1.3
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As children, we would have all grown up playing video games right? At least at some point, be it on the computer, PSP, XBOX and now the latest, iPhone, iPad and iPod, we would have all played I am sure. Moreover, not just any game but war games at that! So we have played? What's the deal? Well the deal is, be ready to play more, with 'MISSION IMPOSSIBLE PRO'!
MISSION IMPOSSIBLE PRO is an exciting and challenging war game. The main objective of the game is to destroy all the enemies by shooting horizontally. Cruise ahead and collect power ups along the way. These power- ups are in the form of: L(collecting lives), A(ammo), +(health). These power ups help player sustain himself during the battle. However, it is important for players to protect themselves, because every life lost due to the enemies attack brings you one step closer to loosing the game. In order to be able to successfully finish the game, players will have to destroy as many enemies as they can!
3 exciting levels
Initially there are 3 lives
Complexity of each level increases
Nice graphics
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