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Monster 3d Brick Breaker Revolution Free 1.0.6
Screen Shots:
Experience a ghoulishly terrifying brick breaking game that will put you in the ghostly mood just in time for Halloween. Warning, hair may turn white from intense thrills and frightening graphics.
Feel the Halloween spirit with stunning 3D graphics, infinite levels, insane power ups, secret bonus levels, epic boss battles and more! Watch in horror as the levels and your brick breaking ball change in this ghastly game! Pick up over 20 unique power-ups including Nukes, Magnets, Rockets, and Unstoppable Fury Ball! Double, double toil and trouble, watch your score bubble up as you are racing to break blocks in this innovative puzzler. Break your first brick today!
Revolution Mode – Survive as long as you can playing endless levels and battling deadly bosses
Intelligent AI – watch the difficulty level rise as your brick breaking skills grow
Up to 9 different Halloween themed brick breaking balls and levels including a Frankenstein Ball, Mummy Ball, Dracula Ball and more.
Insane levels, brick types, boss battles, game modes, power ups ever offered
Over 20 super power-ups including Lasers, Nuke, Mirror and Smart Bombs
Great controls - gently slide or tap your fingers on the touch screen to break the bricks
Check your progress in real time; earn up to 30 Achievement Badges for completing challenges
Excellent music and sound effects
Check out DChoc’s hottest games: Crazy Penguin Catapult, 3D Rollercoaster Rush, 3D Mini Golf Challenge, Tower Bloxx Deluxe 3D, 3D Brick Breaker Revolution and Millionaire City.
Download the Paid version for unlimited replay value packed with even more gameplay modes, levels, power-ups and special unlocks. Get the full experience!
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