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Monster Heads Tic Tac Toe Hd 1.0
Screen Shots:
MonsterHeads tic tac toe is a 2 player board game, fun for kids and challenging for adults. It begins like regular tic tac toe, just tap the position you want to place your piece. X (the scary guy) moves first.
After all 6 pieces are on the board if there isn't a winner the game continues. Now when you select a new position the piece you moved 3 turns ago moves to the new position. Keep playing until someone wins.
To learn to play a good game remember the order your pieces and your opponent's pieces are played, you each have one facing forward, one facing left and one facing right. By knowing which pieces will move in which order you can plan future moves.
To clear the board tap the empty space on the right (landscape mode) or on the bottom (portrait mode).
response to the reviewer's concerns...
It is definitely possible to win, it just requires paying attention to the order that pieces move and taking advantage of that knowledge.
I didn't restrain piece placement because it can help children with hand/ eye coordination.
Please continue to leave constructive criticism.