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Moon Expedition 1.0
Screen Shots:
Moon Expedition is a simple arcade race game where you must fly your Space Shuttle to the Moon.
Upgrade your space ship with caution.
Your main objective is to reach the Moon in shortest time possible.
You control your space ship by moving your finger on the screen as soon as the indicator turns green.
The greater the distance between the indicator and the Shuttle, the greater the speed.
However, the Shuttle doesn't respond instantly, especially when going fast.
Also the Shuttle is limited by amount of fuel, top speed and health.
During your flight you'll encounter planes, satellites and comets,asteroids which will lower your health on impact.
But there will also be fuel, repair and money bonuses.
In each attempt your highest point in that flight and coins collected will determine the money you earned.
With it you can upgrade your Shuttle, Boosters and Extras.
When boosters are still attached the speed is greater,but maneuvering is impaired. After detaching it is usually the opposite.
It all depends on how you decide to split your money on upgrades.
If you run out of fuel, you're given an opportunity to self destruct or you can hope to collect more money on your way down.
That is just about all you need to know. You can reset your profile by pressing reset button in options.
In options you can also disable sound, vibrations and game instructions.
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