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Screen Shots:
Welcome to the new post-apocalyptic world full of mutant hoards and face the everyday survival struggle.
The Large Hadron Collider crash has burnt our world down in a doomsday fire and the new era has begun. Civilizations have fallen, cities lie in ruins, people transforms into animals and animals becomes humans. M.U.M.U. Judgement day is a story of a man who tries to escape the mortal trap set by semi-intelligent mutant dogs headed by his ex-beloved pet that turned into a cunning monster. Caught unaware in his boat in the middle of a river by a huge pack of blood-thirsty creatures he has no weapon to defend himself and almost no chance to survive. The only thing he can do is to smash the heads of monsters with his oar for as long as possible.
M.U.M.U. Judgement day also give your an opportunity to test yourself on the other side of this conflict. As a leader of mutant pack you fight against men and show who the real masters of this new world are.
Dedicated to I. S. Turgenev
Game features:
4 game modes;
Play as a man or a mutant;
Plenty of pick-ups and bonus items;
Abstract black-humor;
Hand-sketched cartoon storyline;
World wide online score table.
SonyEricsson J300
SonyEricsson K300