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My Dog My Room Hd 3.01
Screen Shots:
Fixed some issues.
* You can play with your puppy anytime in your room.
You can take a picture of your room with the camera feature and play with a puppy anytime in your virtual room in your iPad.
Take a photo of your home, workplace, nearby park, etc. It will become puppy's playgrounds everywhere.
* Play with your puppy!
Tap the screen and your puppy will come to you. Use your finger to pet your puppy and make him or her happy and more active.
If you take good care of puppy, you get a lot of coins.
Body shape changes depending on the way to taking care of puppy.
* Various ways to enjoy
You can feed and play ball with your puppy anywhere and anytime.
Not only you can change the room to 3D but can enjoy dressing up your puppy.
* Rest your puppy on the bed
If your puppy looks tired, try to rest your puppy on the bed.
Sleeping face is cute too!
*Grow flowers in the garden!
You can grow the flowers in the garden.
If you take care for them properly, a lot of flowers will bloom and also your garden will change gradually.
* Let's have two puppies in your room!
When you press "Adopt another one" button that is on the top of the puppy selection screen, you will be able to take care of two puppies together.
* Play with other puppies and kittens in the park!
Go to the park and you can see other puppies and kittens.
You can also visit their house!
* Get trophies!
Puppy's happiness, puppy care, and to maintain clean the room and you can receive trophies for your effort!
Take good care of your puppy and receive all the trophies!