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My Pet Zombie 1.6.1
Screen Shots:
Zombies have never been so cute.
Enhanced for iOS 5! Including Game Center challenges and Twitter support.
These zombies don't just shamble around and moan about braaainz. You can dress them up, change their hairstyles and facial features, and watch them dance. There's even a minigame inside the game that lets you earn "cursed coinage" to buy more cool stuff for your pet zombie.
Just don’t ignore your zombie for too long (about a day or so, depending on how much you feed him) or he’ll get depressed and shamble back into his grave. Rezombification is just a few clicks, but you wouldn’t want to put your zombie through that again, would you?
* Choose between a male and female pet zombie.
* Test your memory with Zombie Director
* Let your zombie have the last word with Zombie Talkback
* Customize your pet zombie with:
Buy food for your pet zombie with cursed coinage you earn through minigames or with real money.
Now we know how the zombiepocalypse will end - with adorable pet zombies for all.