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Nest Eggs 1.0.1
Screen Shots:
"Nest Eggs" is about nesting eggs. Move nice animated chicken which tosses eggs in the air in such a way that it ends up landing into any of those moving nests.
But be cautious, nests get faster overtime which makes game quite challenging. Intuitive graphics, nice sound effect and game usability will make your every penny worth.
Mission: Nest Eggs have three different game modes with one mission. Pot maximum eggs in nest and get high score.
Nesting eggs consecutively gets you higher bonus.
1. Arcade Mode: Gives total 15 eggs to toss. Paid version of Nest Eggs have 10 bonus eggs !!!
2. Life Mode: Gives 5 lives to play. Every time you break egg you lose one life. Paid version of "Nest Eggs" have 2 bonus life.
3. Time Tracker Mode: Toss as many eggs in 90 seconds time frame. Paid version of "Nest Eggs" has bonus 30 more seconds.
Do you like challenges? "Nest Eggs" supports Open Feint social network where one player can challenge other players, compete with each others and also make friends. It provides offline and online support for tracking high score.
"Nest eggs" has two themes; Jungle and Polar. "Nest Eggs Lite" shipped with only Jungle theme.
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Have a fun !!!