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Night Battle Hd 1.0.2
Screen Shots:
IMP: Keep the HOME BUTTON ON RIGHT while playing to give good control of accelerometer.
* More update will be added on this version.
* CHEAPEST & ENTERTAINING GAME ON iPAD, Grab it before its too late. $1.99 is nothing compared to other games which is more than $3 - 5. The more you support then we will add more levels in the game with unbelievable price. Thanks for supporting us and we will assure you with more updates in future.
Have you ever been stuck with nothing to do on the bus? Bored at work? Simply play this game for long hours and show your friends how good you are in tough situations.
* Use accelerometer to move right and left.
* Press right button to shoot up.
* Press left button to shoot down.
* Take powers to improve your missile shooting.
* Play until you die but it is difficult to survive from air attack at nights. Different kinds of enemies at different stages.
They used laser to destroy your marine. After scoring every 800 your life will be increased.
* Improved Graphics with good sounds of planes, bombs and
* Good music and easy to play.
* Compete with different people as you can save the highest
score at the end of the game.
* Very addictive and hours of fun.
* Play in trains, tubes and buses to kill time.