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Nitro Bae In Doodle Land 1.1.4
Screen Shots:
Very simple yet addicting, tilt your iPhone to guide Bae through the levels, avoiding DoodleBugs, collecting powerups and shooting plasma----------------------------Artwerkz is having a Nitro Bae Contest! To enter, grab a copy of this game and try to find the hidden message! When you find it in the game, quickly write it down and email it to The first person to email us with the message will win $100 USD!----------------------------------------------------------------****Third update:The hidden message is near the end of the level.--------------------------------****Second update:Still no one has found the hidden message yet. Here's another hint: You will find the secret message while standing on a specific red platform until you fall below the screen.--------------------------------****Update:No one has found the hidden message yet. To make it a bit easier: it's between levels 14 and 17. Happy hunting!--------------------------------Nitro Bae is a platform game featuring: - Intense, fast-paced action with cool physics - Easy to use interface - tilt to run left and right, touch the left side of the screen to shoot plasma, and touch the right side of the screen to jump - Very simple and addictive - Two sweet music tracks - DoodleLand will play your own music if your iPod is already playing--------------------------------Disclaimer: Apple is in no way affiliated with the Nitro Bae contest.