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Oh The Huge Manatee Hd 1.0
Screen Shots:
The iPhone's most popular manatee game makes its way to the iPad! Now you can enjoy black and white doodles in glorious high definition - the graphics power of the iPad has never been so blatantly underused!
Dodge falling sea life and accumulate mega-points in this wacky avoider game that is even more ridiculous than it sounds. Featuring tilt controls and highscore leaderboards for competing globally or against your Facebook friends.
Tilt your device to control the direction of your player. Avoid the falling sea life while trying to collect stars for extra points, grenades to clear some space (tap anywhere to set one off), super shoes for extra speed, force field bubbles for extra protection, and even an uzi to let off some steam on those bouncing blubberous mammals.
You can gain an extra 500 points for each grenade you collect past your maximum of 5, and another 500 points for picking up a shield while you've already got one active. You'll also be rewarded with a sweet 250 points for each animal you eliminate with the uzi, grenade, or shield. And please don't feel bad, these are not endangered species after all. Oh wait...