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Orbtime Sdk 1.0
Orbtime is a Drop7 / Chainfactor clone with a twist. The gameplay is often described as a cross between sudoku and a falling block game. And the twist? Orbtime recognizes that a Pebble is a timepiece and includes time orbs which represent the current time. In Orbtime, what time you play will affect the outcome of your game.
Up: Move Left
Select: Drop Floating Orb
Down: Move Right
Back: Pause to Main Menu
Drop numbered orbs one at a time which eventually clear themselves. In order for an orb to clear, the orb's number must be equal to the number of orbs in its row or column. One too many or one too little and the orb will stay on the field.
There are basic orbs and time orbs. Time orbs are distinguished by their sharp corner. The direction of the sharp corner determines the type of time orb: a day orb, hour orb, minute orb, or the fast changing second orb. If you are wondering what a certain time orb will have as its number, simply press back and glance at the time orbs in the main menu. The time orbs in the main menu also include wrap dots which you can use to decipher the current time.
When a time orb clears, it'll promote the closest basic orb of the same number into a time orb of the same type. You can use this mechanic to your advantage, changing basic orbs into time orbs and then waiting for just the right time.