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Pandas Vs Ninjas 2
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Pandas vs Ninjas 2
Get ready to battle the evil Ninjas in the next exciting installment of Pandas vs Ninjas 2 by Ximad!
The Evil Ninjas - you can tell they're evil because they always wear black and have shifty eyes - have decided to take over the world! Since Ninjas tend to be pretty lazy and taking over the world requires a lot of work, they came up with an ingenious plan of zombifying the entire population of earth through the use of one, but a very giant and a very magical Crystal. This Crystal turns the beautiful, life giving sunlight into - do I even have to say it? - a black ray of life stealing energy, which turns people into zombies who will obey the evil ninjas' every word.
However, the only way to get this Crystal close enough to the sun, so this black light will encompass the entire earth, will require a path through the Pandas hidden valley. And as we all know, Pandas hate the Evil Ninjas as much as the next guy... or girl... someone like you for instance. Crack those fingers, find a cozy chair and help the noble Pandas stop the evil ninjas from taking over the world!
Game Features:
- Unique take on the oldest rivals in the world - Panas and Ninjas! (Who knew right?)
- Stunning Graphics!
- Fun, exciting soundtrack!
- Dozens of levels and zones that guarantee hours of ninja smashing goodness!
- I'm not sure if I mentioned this, but "PANDAS!" They're cute!