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Panzer Class 1.6
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"The little tank that could" attends Panzer Class!
Guide the little tank through five free levels of action packed fun. Use your wits to solve the physics puzzles that confront the little tank. Roll, run, crash, flip, fire your way to the finish flag. Everything is permitted, just make sure the little tank gets through.
Before you can use your gun (double tap) you need to pick up an ammo stash in the level. Swipe to aim your gun. Once flipped over, a quick gun movement will flip you back. Set the tanks velocity with the slider at the bottom of the screen.
This game is free. If you like this game, please consider the in-app-purchase for the subsequent five levels in the "graduation level pack". Those levels are a bigger challenge, but just as much fun. Your in-app-purchase will fund upgrades and new levels. Thank you for your support.
Panzer Class is a game by Bram Stolk and it uses Scott Lembcke’s physics engine Chipmunk.