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Paper Ninja 1.5.1
Screen Shots:
#1 Apps in USA, Singapore, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, AND
#2 Apps in Canada, Australia, Macau, Vietnam and many more after it was set free.
Paper Ninjas are coming after the Ancient Scrolls! You are given a chance to prove yourself as an apprentice. Swipe out the ninjas and earn not only your Master’s trust but the honor to become a legendary Grand Master.
Now featuring the BLIZZARD clan Ninjas with Mission 2!!
148Apps - 4.5 Stars. Paper Ninja is really a solid app from top to bottom, with enjoyable gameplay being combined with top-notch production values to create a wonderful experience.
AppAdvice - 4 Stars. Should buy!
Its price of $0.99 is very reasonable for the amount of game on offer. Highly recommended!
Mobile Tech Review - 4.75 Stars
. Paper Ninja has a simple gameplay that’s amazingly addictive. It has tonnes of replay value and it’s a game that you can play for a couple of minutes while waiting in line.
Gamezebo - 4 Stars. Paper Ninja is a really fun, high-quality game.
- I enjoyed playing this game as did my kids, it’s a fun fit for iPhone gamers of all ages.
AppTrawler - this is a great game that takes a simple concept and turns it into a solid entertaining game.
Appyzilla - 4 Stars. This game is a must have, and its highly addictive and fun to play.
Appdictions - 5 Stars. AppDictions highly recommends this game!!
HQ-Apps - This game is a must have, and its highly addictive and fun to play.
Paper Ninja is a fast and exciting game that requires players to make split second strategic decisions and execute quick combo attacks. It is designed so that players can feel the thrill of a sword-fight by using a finger. Just like sword fighting, it is easy to pickup but difficult to master.
Action packed with
* Power up with 5 Godly Skills!
* Beautiful artwork and environment.
* Exciting challenges each with its own unique gameplay.
* 19 new Achievements (and more on the way) to collect and post on your Facebook and twitter!
* Lots of OpenFeint/Game Center leadership boards to compete with your friends.
* Submit your score and compete with the rest of the world to be the best!
* Optional kid - friendly setting (no bloodshed) available as requested by peace loving friends.
* Humourous storyline.
* 24 levels of difficulty in Dojo mode.
* Retina Display Enabled.