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Petrixfree 1.3.2
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Build the Blocks & Save the Dogs!
The game essence is to manipulate the blocks in such a way that does not hinder the puppy to jump (run) over the glass. Puppies are going up and down on escalator in the right and left parts of the glass, moving from the basement to the glass bottom. Puppies can jump over 1 cube. When they face the obstruction of more than 1 block, they just sit and wait when the player let them go further by manipulating the falling blocks. A puppy is strong enough to hold one block, but even two is too much for poor thing. Some nice bonuses are falling down from time to time (like tasty marrowbone – Yum-Yum!), using which can change the game in favor or against the player. Alongside with the other playing dogs a rascal dog, super dog called Black Jack is living in the game, which can stand even falling brick!
Feel bored – play Petrix!
Petrix – is good relax for tired brains, when you get a spare minute. But you also can manipulate the falling blocks hours in and out, saving dogs and enjoying the game. Now it is introduced in Smartphone Apple iPhone, where the sensor screen make manipulations become comfortable and intuitive. There are no buttons to push, the figures are rotated following your fingers movement.
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