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Pictorial Hd 2.9
Screen Shots:
Pictorial, a game involving spatial reasoning, has earned fantastic ratings from iTunes users. The gameplay is challenging, the graphics are compelling... - The New York Times
Now in HD - #1 Educational Game for iPhone in USA, Canada, Russia, Germany, Japan, Mexico and other countries.
How quickly you can guess what pictures are hidden from you in the night sky full of stars?
Can you discover the story behind the dance of snowflakes in the arctic blizzard?
Will you be the first to solve the mystery of the pirate's map?
### Highlights ###
- Helps to develop the Spatial Reasoning* skill
- Fun and simple control
- Nine different storylines: Night City, Arctic, Treasure Island, Fairy Forest, Halloween, Sea World, Christmas, St. Valentine and Easter
- Runs smoothly with good fps
- Optimized for iPhone 5 , iPad and iPad2
- Game Center
* Spatial reasoning is a common part of intelligence tests, pre-employment tests and admission tests to certain educations. Also spatial reasoning is generally regarded as one of the most basic reasoning abilities together with verbal reasoning, logical reasoning, numerical reasoning and abstract reasoning.
### Notes ###
New levels, achievements and more difficult modes are coming soon in the next update.