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Planet 51 Racer Lite 1.0.0
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Play Planet 51 Racer for free!
Somewhere, out there…a race is about to begin!
The Planet 51 Grand Prix is about to start! Join Chuck and his friends as they battle it out to win the tournament of a lifetime!
Race with the coolest Planet 51 characters and compete in death-defying tracks full of twists and turns, shortcuts and obstacles. Explore and be part of the fantastic world of Planet 51, now available for the iPhone and iPod touch!
3 SINGLE PLAYER MODES: Quick Race, Grand Prix and Time Trial.
8 CHARACTERS: Each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses.
6 UNLOCKABLE TRACKS: Filled with hidden shortcuts and obstacles.
WONDERFUL 3D ENVIROMENTS: From the big lights of the city, through to the nefarious Base 9.
ORIGINAL MUSIC: Featuring the original soundtrack from the movie itself.
UNLOCK DIFFERENT GAME MODES and you'll get exclusive gifts for PLANET 51 ONLINE (
Ready to become the champion of the Planet 51?
Indulge in your Planet 51 passion and play the definitive racing game that’s right up your alley!
Supported Languages:
English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
Supported Handsets:
iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch