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Pop Gems Saga 1.0.1
Screen Shots:
Pop Gems Saga it’s a free, simple, easy and a good strategy game.
Start a journey that requires skill and success like in any puzzle or arcade game that you have played before. You must bring as many gemstones of the same color together to manage to get more points for your score. Face the challenges that appear in the game and gather Shop Points to buy everything that the shop has to offer.
The Shop Points system is very simple, for each 100 points of your score you will gain 1 point to spend it of new features for the gem game. And find the theme and element that suits you best.
Time is not an issue in this saga, the only thing that you have to keep count of is to obtain as many candy style gems of the same color close to each other in order to get a bigger pop for a good score.
Try to have fun with the game and enjoy every minute of this colorful experience, also be aware this game is addictive so play hard and safe. Remember to crush your opponents in the scoreboard and never give up on pursuing the highest score.
Enjoy a colorful and delicious adventure with the gems that you will soon love and never will you fail to remember this experience because this recreation activity is made to be played on various occasions, like in the park, on the bus, the subway, the train, even in classrooms but with smooth tactics so nobody can notice you.
Don’t forget to rate us if you like the game and share our game on Facebook, Twitter & Google+ with the easy to use buttons in the game plus you will receive an extra 50 shop points.
Demonstrate to all that you have what it takes to become the next POP MASTER.
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