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Puzzle Agent 2 Hd 1.2
Screen Shots:
Agent Nelson Tethers just solved the biggest case of his career. So why isn't he satisfied? There’s still the case of a missing eraser factory foreman, a whispering madness is still creeping from mind to mind, and a troubling recurrence of... creatures... is lurking into the town.
The FBI's Department of Puzzle Research has marked the case closed -- are they sweeping it under the rug? Or worse, do they not even care? Worried that the case will languish forever unsolved, Tethers must go rogue and venture back to the eerie town of Scoggins, Minnesota to solve the mystery of "the Hidden People" once and for all.
Sequel to award-winning Puzzle Agent:
* TouchArcade – Best of iPad 2010
* IGN – Best iPhone Game of E3 2010
* PC Gamer – Puzzle Game of the Year 2010
* Adventure Gamers – Game of the Year
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