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Puzzle Defense Dragons 1.0.2
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"Match them-up meets tower defense!
Hordes of dragons are coming! Large and small, fast and slow! Defending the kingdom will be impossible with your normal troops, but if only you could combine them…
Well, you can! Mixing a mind-bending puzzler with a tactically-savvy tower defense game, you place your defenders in a traditional tower defense manner on a top-down grid. However, you can upgrade them by placing three in a line - if you can keep them alive that long.
So three soldiers will make an archer - or three crossbowmen a wizard. Special abilities can be used in tough situations to keep them alive. Moreover - it’s a great idea to win a fight then upgrade your troops in the upgrade screen.
Across the globe, across desert, tundra and arctic battlefields, across thirty levels, you must battle the dragons and bring peace to your world! Experienced players should try Battle mode for infinite fun.
Defend your Kingdom with special abilities, upgrades and game modes galore! Dragons shall not pass!
• Lots of upgradeable troop classes
• A thrilling war campaign stretching over thirty levels
• Unique mix of tower defense and a match-3 puzzler.
• A wide range of tactics and special abilities.
• Please note that the game is available in English only!