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Quads Sp Free 1.03.139
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★ Look for our Full SP Single Player version for iPhone
★ Look for our full MP Multi Player version for iPad
★ Look for our full SP Single Player version for iPad
★ Also take a look at our other scientific apps
We would like to introduce the free single player version of a brand new game based upon an old favorite.
Using Tetrominoes, this game offers many new challenges from its predecessors. With 4 directions of travel and a center drop zone, players have to create Quads (Quadrilaterals) rather than rows or columns.
It is an exciting new addition to the family of Polyminoes games. Create Quads by completing squares or rectangles around a center drop zone, watch the game get more challenging as the center drop zone grows or pieces fall faster.
This game comes with multiple ways of controlling the falling pieces, and a wide array of options to change your challenge level.
✔ 3 levels of gameplay in marathon mode
✔ Each level has it's own theme and artwork
✔ Marathon, and Static Gameplay modes
✔ Up to 2 simultaneous falling pieces in any gameplay mode
✔ Ability to choose your level of difficulty by choosing what shapes are allowed to be cleared.
✔ Choose your initial difficulty level
✔ Ability to save your preferred startup settings
✔ Ghost piece for ease of seeing where the pieces would ultimately fall to
✔ Show the pieces that will come in the future
✔ Single piece hold location, the player can choose when to use the piece, one for each direction in multi-piece mode
✔ Full instruction manual
Also Look for this exciting new game on the iPhone, soon to be released.
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We strive to build fun, challenging and insightful products. We hope you have a blast with Bubble Imagineering's Quads SP