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Race Gear Feel 3d Car Racing Fun Amp Drive Safe 2.04
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# More than tens and thousands of downloads for Race Gear-Feel 3d Car Racing Fun & Drive Safe! Thousands of people addicted to Race Gear-Feel 3d Car Racing Fun & Drive Safe can't be wrong!
# Top ranked popular iOS game in Racing & Simulation category in more than 50+ countries
✓ Featured as iTunes Top 25 Gaming sub category as well as New & Noteworthy
*** Feel your brain in high gear
*** High voltage racing car experience
Introducing 'Race Gear', a revolutionary 3D car racing game and learning tool for both kids and teenagers. Get the scoop of driving-both inside and outside perspective of car view.
We highly recommend new 4g iphone, iPod Touch 4g, 4s, iPad1 & iPad2 devices with iOS 4.0+.
Breaking too hard? You will see marks on the road. Try not slowing down enough before a wide turn and your car will slide, hit a divider or even spin out of control.
Learn the physics of driving by practicing u-turns, sharp turns, wide turns, blind turns and find the optimal speed for each. With intuitive steering and breaking, you will be in control before you know it. Put your car in reverse and see what improper handling can do to your car within seconds.
With beautiful race track, curved and divided roads, and tunnel bridge, you're sure to want to take this baby for a spin and a half. Realistic look and feel!
Key features:
✓ High voltage adrenaline rush with countdown mode
✓ Timer mode to practice & improve racing speed with less time to complete the lap on various sharp turns and curves of a beautiful race track.
✓ Various wheel and throttle control options - steering, stick, motion or combination of any.
✓ With inside and outside of the car views, you can learn the effects of your actions on the road from both, a driver’s and an observer’s perspective.
✓ 5 different car colors to choose
✓ Uplifting music for theme, countdown and timer mode or choose your own custom music from iPod music library iOS 4.0+
✓ Addictive game play
Wanna to watch video demo? Check
Drive safe so that you can be a real racer in the game and in real life.
Let’s dedicate us to safe driving and make our roads a better place for everyone!
Please visit us at for following interesting gaming titles and other mindful apps for all ages!
✓ Circuit Racer 3D
✓ Circuit Racer 2
✓ Ring Toss 3D
✓ Block Smasher
✓ Eagle Quest
✓ Egg Splash
✓ Memory Puzzle
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✓ Word Teaser Pro