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Radiant Hd 3.19.0
Screen Shots:
Take your stand against the alien horde in a pure arcade/action space shooter.
Cut through hundreds of creeps to face giant monsters in unique bossfights. Collect special weapons and power-ups, upgrade your ship and save your homeworld!
Relive the classics revamped.
• 3 Missions
• 10+ Boss-Fights
• 6 Upgradeable Weapons
• 12 Special Power-Ups
• 3 Difficulty Options
• Radiant supports MOGA and other MFi game controllers on iOS7
"From the deliberately pixelated graphics to the tinny sound effects, there is something profoundly artistic about its mix of knowing aesthetics and stubborn lack of compromise."
- PocketGamer - Bronze Award
"A few gameplay elements make this the modern version of a retro shooter as it takes many leaps and bounds away from the minimalistic gameplay of the arcade hit."
"Hexage does an incredible job of reinventing the game that took the world by storm."
- App-Reciation Reviews
"As a retro-inspired shmup with nice graphics and solid controls, it does a good job."
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