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Radio Frogs Free 1.2
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“Radio Frogs” is part of the extensive “Gnome Race”(r) product line of Lagali.(r)
“Gnome Race”(r) is a fantasy world where all is based around our little friends the Gnomes and their passion about gaming. In this game, “Radio Frogs”(r), you need to be the first to get your 8 frogs to the other side of the board. This is however simpler said as done. Not only do you need to outwit your opponent but there are also all kinds of tricks involved to make things harder. As the level of play increases these tricks will become more and more important.
You can choose for a game against master Gnome Brumm or go multiplayer.
Frogs can be moved in any direction and are able to jump over each other. As you progress you will have points to spend on nets and cannons. These make it possible to catch a frog (simply drag the net onto the frog you want to catch) or shoot a frogs that is in front of you (by dragging the cannon onto the frog you are shooting with). That frog will be moved forward until it hits another frog.
Note: the cannon also breaks the net on a caught frog.
“Gnome Race” is a 2 player strategy board game that will keep you entertained for hours.
Don’t forget to check out the entire “Gnome Race” product line at