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Rampb Music Game Show 1.2
Screen Shots:
The R&B Music Game Show lets you answer trivia questions in a game show format against two other contestants featuring songs that have charted or sold in the top 100 R&B charts during the last three decades with over 3000 song titles featuring groups and artists in the R&B categories. Please note that many hip hop and rap songs have crossed over to the R&B category over the last two decades.
Our software features.
Over 3000 R&B song titles. A song title is provided and you must pick the correct artist, group, duo, or band.
20 questions per game to keep it fast and fun. Songs are divided by the 80s, 90s, and 2000s.
4 levels of difficulty. The higher the level, the more points you receive at the end if you win, but the less hints you have about the song. The higher the level also means that the song charted closer to the bottom 100 of the charts.
10 different opponents. More difficult opponents raise your score if you win the game.
A scoring system that adds points if you answer correctly, but subtracts points if you answer incorrectly. If you do not answer, you do not get or lose any points for that question. Points are determined by a slot machine. Match three of a kind and earn bonus points for answering the question correctly.
Your high score and rank are automatically saved when you finish a game. Your rank increases if you win a game with a score of 100 points or more.
The background stage and text can be changed.