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Reiner Knizias Battleline 3.2
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BATTLELINE is an acclaimed card-based strategy game from world-reknowned game designer Reiner Knizia. Face off against a rival general in Ancient Greece. Gauge your enemy's strengths and weaknesses...anticipate his or her plans...and command your troops into poker-style "formations" to take control of the battlefield. Only the most cunning military mind can win the day!
Play against live opponents synchronously or asynchronously on GourmetGaming online! Take your turns on iOS or on your home computer!
Strive for 19 Game Center achievements, some Herculean in difficulty!
We'd like to extend a special Thank You to all the players who have been playing Battleline and have submitted suggestions or bugs. We really appreciate your input, and hope to face you online! If we haven't implemented your suggestions or fixes yet, we will soon.