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Robo Jump 1.0
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Robo Jump is a fun and addictive jumping game that features simple concept and great presentation. The new update adds enough new content to make revisiting the famous jumping worthwhile. The objective of Robo Jump is very simple. Just drive up the little character on platform, ignoring hurdles and enemies to climb as high as possible. The graphics are nothing more than ‘Robos’ and the small little drawings are performed to occupy the mind. You have to tilt the device screen to kill the occasional monster that blocks your way. Robo Jump features a cleverly integrated leader board and a hand-scribbled aesthetic. The interface is user friendly. You automatically keep jumping and gently tilt the device to move right and left. As you go higher, you jump onto an increasingly difficult and challenging arrangement of platforms such as crumbling brown platforms, moving blue platforms, platforms with jump-boosting springs. Robo Jump has no music and it is not possible to resize the window. However, you can select to play with the mouse or the arrow keys on the board. This game is known for its originality and simplicity. You understand immediately how it runs and it remains stuck for hours trying to raise his small little Robo even higher. The core game play remains the same but new updates and themes add an overall dark feel. New items and characters add more fun and excitement to the game. Overall Robo Jump is a nice game to kill the time. People of any age would love to play it over and over again. Go for it.