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Rocket Weasel 1.2.59
Screen Shots:
The forest animals send their little critters to “Weasel’s School for Hunting Chickens” to learn from Mr. Weasel, an expert chicken hunter.
On a midnight field trip, Mr. Weasel and his students sneak into the hen house, but everything goes horribly wrong!
The farmer is waiting for them with crafty cages and treacherous traps. Help Mr. Weasel save his students and chomp the chickens!
- An interactive puzzler for the whole family
- 64 levels of rocket-flying, crate-crashing fun
- Friendly farm animals who help you free your friends
- Colorful characters and spectacular graphics
- 27 Game Center Achievements
- Sign up for the Rocket Weasel newsletter and get rocket-flying fun, tips and tricks, and other goodies sent to your inbox!
- Go to to cast your vote for the rocket, or tell us your great idea for a new rocket, you would like to see in the next update!
This game will not work on iPhone 3G, iPod Touch 2nd Gen, and older devices. (Rocket Weasel is playable on iPhone 3GS and newer, 3rd Gen or newer iPod Touch, and all iPad and iPad 2 devices)
To learn more about Rocket Weasel, and to vote for the next rocket, visit!
What users are saying:
“Rocket Weasel is hot! Like Brad Pitt with smaller abs!”
“I loved having complete control over Rocket Weasel. You control him the whole time so you know what to expect the entire time you are playing.”
“Funner than Cut the Rope because you have so much more to interact with.”
“Love the story. So glad I am helping out the animals instead of having to destroy them!”
“There is so much going on that I will never get bored with this game!”