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Roscoe The Bed Bug Dog 1.0
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This game puts you in the role of Roscoe the Beagle, a real life canine detective, to sniff out and zap bed bugs. (Yes, it's true- there are dogs trained to detect bed bugs.) Roscoe is hired to uncover the bed bugs hiding in the furniture and walls inside a hotel, house, condominium, and penthouse suite. Hunt and sniff all over the room to uncover the hidden bugs, and then quickly kill them with your InstantFreeze gun. If you’re fast, accurate, and thorough, Roscoe will complete each job for a handsome profit and dog treats, and will progress to more challenging searches.
Each level of play has a different room, more hiding places, and more bugs to deal with. Scoring is based on the amount of money each job is worth, the amount of InstantFreeze you use to kill the bugs and the amount of time it takes you. There are also tools to help you get through each level if your need assistance, but the tools come at a price.
If you fear or hate bed bugs this game gives you a chance to strike back! For beagle lovers (who isn’t one), Roscoe fans, and everyone else this game gives you the only way you’ll encounter bed bugs that’s fun and painless!
Brought to you by bed bug specialist Bell Environmental Services, Roscoe the Bed Bug Dog is more than fun and challenging - it's educational! The game also teaches you where bed bugs really may hide in your home or hotel. In addition, the application “Roscoe’s Tips” is included with the game, and this app shows you how to do real searches for these well-hidden bugs, so you aren’t bitten by these insects and don’t take them home from your travels.