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Santa Dressup Kids Game 22.1
Screen Shots:
Hey kids-do you want this super cool tailor to use his sewing skills and create & combine the best clothing designs.Come share the joy and get ready to make n stitch your own clothes. Start by choosing from a variety of crisp & fresh un-stitched quality fabrics to design the perfect clothes.
Remove those crinkles and wrinkles by first spraying some water and then pressing the iron on your fabric. Mark the shirt outlines with a chalk and use a scissor to cut it out.
Decorate & design your super shirt with different textures. Needle those buttons at an place u desire on the shirt. These beautiful add-ons on clothes will make your character into a charming santa.
Try out different styles to see if you look like a fashion star with those glowing clothes. Come up with ideas for an ultimate fashionable shirt to show to your mom and dad. Tell them this is how you want to dressup.
This is the best game to stitch, match colors, prints, patterns, textures!
===== FEATURES =====
- Make shirts for santa
- The complete process from start to end explained!
- Add to your shirt and trouser : Laces, buttons, pockets, belts, stickers and different patterns
- Try different comibnations and come up with the fashion icon makeover the makes u happy.
- Bring out the creative master inside of you.
- Try your stitched clothes on your character in the try room