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Santa Fun 1 47.1
Screen Shots:
Here comes a high-quality 3D Santa whom you can Touch, make laugh, dance, say Ho ho ho! or sneeze! Real 3D Santa and beautiful backgrounds make Santa Claus dance better than the real santa dance!
Santa Fun app has more than 35 jumps, animations and dance styles!
As Christmas is around the corner , we have been working day and night to prepare an early present for you. So for all of you that did not land on Santas naughty list this year, we?ve prepared an app that will brighten your Christmas spirits. If you?ve ever wondered how you would look as Santa, well here?s your chance to find out by downloading our app.
Prepare for SANTA-FUN!
Santa might not make much of a hard core game for serious players, but it is fun and amusing, and right in tune with santa dance. kids will love to see this santa dance.App includes funny graphics and realistic effects.
Join with santa dance and enjoy yourChristmas