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Sea Battle 3d 1.0.2
Screen Shots:
Sea Battle 3D
December 7, 1941 morning, the Japanese Imperial Navy over 400 aircraft suddenly attacked the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor.
At the time of this national crisis of life and death, you, as a man with the blood of American soldiers, to national dignity, safety and honor of the nation's belief in justice, compatriots, please hand clenched hands of the anti-aircraft guns, use your anger to destroy Those shameless invaders now!Games for the (3D) FPS game, simple operation, content-rich, beautiful screen, fierce fighting, in his spare time secretly play a game, will definitely give you a new feeling, I am sure you will love It is!
Game Features:
1.Operation is simple: Just keep pressing the F key can not stop fire! .
2.Fierce fighting, music Madden, beautiful screen, smooth operation, a kind of fantasy realism! .
3.Random drop props: medical kits such as HP, increasing the gameplay!
4.Unlimited Gold: Players can add their own gold coins, buy unlimited ammo!
5.Unlimited levels: Allows you always play to have fun!
6.Ranking system: the highest score, a single bureau score, destroy enemy quantity!