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Shape It Connect Amp Make 1.2.1
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♥ HD version for iPad is on iPad appstore too! Check it out :D
♣ Whole New Type of Puzzle game for all!
Brand new game designed especially for ones who use touch-devices in everyday life. "Shape It" will give you a whole new experience of a puzzle game! :D
♬ Kids & adults all enjoy "Shape It"! It's been proved by experience! Give it a try!!
♤ Connect.. & Make !
Slimes love to be with each other with same color. They're in a line and you should help them connect to the one at the next row. More number they get together, more power and love they get. If you come back to the one you've started, you'll get some extra cause you've made a shape!
♥ It-Shapes !
There are chosen shapes which are called 'It-Shapes'. You should find what they are, and make it as many as possible!
♪ Original Mode & 3 Challenge Modes!
☆ Game Center Achievements & Leaderboards fully integrated. Challenge your friends!
♬ Retina display supported.
☆ Tips..!
- Connect as many as possible to get higher score
- Connect back to where you started to make a shape
- Original Mode : As levels go up, more colorful slimes appear & more of them come into a row. Life bar decreases as time goes. You need to connect them to increase your life. More you connect & making shapes will increase your life more!
- Challenge Mode : Life bar decreases faster but as you connect, your life increases faster too. Game speed is much faster than original mode. You can choose what type of game to play & challenge yourself and friends all over the world!
- 'It-shapes' are available and counted through both original & challenge modes.
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