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Shark Adventure Free 1.6.6
Screen Shots:
Challenge your Scuba Diving skills in this unique Retro Exploration game.
If you love underwater action and adventure this game is for you! And of course everybody likes chasing the Shark with Lasers ;-)
Jump in the water, scuba dive around the world, catch 100s of Fishes, Dolphins, Sharks in this highly addictive Action game with a test of Adventure.
Use your SPEAR GUN or TASER GUN to fight a dozen type of sharks including the genetically enhanced SHARKS WITH LASERS...
Sell your collected items and Explore deeper with your dynamite, scooter, submarine...
Check out the new Official Trailer on Youtube:
** Check the Facebook page to get tips on submarine and other equipments **
"Ocean Exploration At Its Best" - dclose - toucharcade
"I highly recommend this game to anyone looking for a game that is fun and also challenging." - iPhonefootprint
"Addicted to the mission" - theiphoneappreview
* "It is like being Jacques Cousteau!"
* "Loaaaaddss of fun, really addicting too. Definitely worth getting"
* "Great collecting game that fans of I Dig It will love!"
* "Two of my favorite game elements combined in one game, exploration and being underwater."
Game features:
+ 5 Campaign locations and 15 unique Challenges with increasing difficulty.
+ 104 fish/dolphins/whales/sharks to collect
+ 320 artifacts and antiques to collect (Egyptian Statues, Pirates Guns, Titanic Jewelries, Australian Boomerangs...)
+ Campaign and Challenges lnfinite re-play
+ Male and Female characters
+ Addictive fish chasing
+ Sharks with Lasers
+ Angry sharks, mean sharks, sleepy sharks
+ Beautiful underwater world
+ Lots of diving equipment (knife, speargun, dynamite, tasergun, scooter, camera, mini-submarine,...)
+ Warehouse to browse through your collected items
+ Combo bonuses x3, x5, x10, x20
+ Game Center Leaderboards and 47 Achievements
+ Easy controls (Joystick or Swipe)
+ Cheats in Challenge mode
+ Auto-Saving game
Youtube Official Trailer:
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