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Sky Wars 1.2
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This online multi-player battle game with extremely realistic physics will make your finger stiff with flicking! It's a battle game where you throw your skyships at your enemy's with a flick of a finger to knock them off the battle field. Be careful not to send your own skyships flying after them. The last one standing (or rather flying) wins the battle.
In addition to your dexterity some strategic skills are required: ever so often some nifty powerups appear out of the thin air. These powerups are activated when a skyship bumps into them. Use them wisely, calculate your moves to trigger a chain reaction of traps and explosions that leads to the elimination of your enemy.
Sky Wars is packed with amazing features:
- extremely realistic physics that makes mid-air collisions and explosions look so real!
- every possible variant of multi-player is supported: over Bluetooth, over local WiFi and over internet, both 3G and WiFi (powered by Game Center).
- Upgrade to Full version to get unlimited online play (free version allows only 5 online games per day)
- Accumulate your winning points, earn achievements and progress in your Sky Fleet Ranking
- Compare you progress against the others through online Leader Board
Don't wait: download the game and start crashing skyships of your opponents all over the world!