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Slay Lite 4.0.1
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Slay is a simple to learn game of strategy and cunning set in medieval times. The island is divided up between the six players, and you must try to capture your enemies' land and link up your own territories to create larger and stronger ones. You begin capturing land by attacking with your peasants. Once your territories become richer you can combine peasants to make stronger and stronger people (Spearmen, Knights and then Barons) who can kill weaker enemy troops, or knock down their castles. Just be careful that you don't create too many expensive men or the territory will go bankrupt!
"This game is pure strategy! It's a work of genius. Brilliant AI. Engaging turn-based multiplayer strategy. Sid Meier, eat your heart out!" -
"I love this game! I play it all the time, and when I'm not, I think about wanting to play it." -
"At first glance, Slay looks elementary, but hidden beneath are cunning strategy elements that must be finely balanced for success" - PC Magazine
"Deceptively delightful. The graphics are simple, but the strategy is complex." -
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