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Stamp Art Fever Pro 17.0.1
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Collecting goes virtual with Stamp Art Fever, the first game with intriguing combination of social gaming and stamp collecting! Connect with friends to swap stamps and compete in collector challenges, accomplish the ultimate goal - acquire a complete collection!
This version includes a starting coins package.
******* ★★★★★★★★ (8/10) ★★★★★★★★★ (9/10) ★★★★½ (4.5/5) ★★★★ (4/5) ★★★★ (4/5)
In Stamp Art Fever you are an art-stamp collector who builds his virtual stamp collection by continuously searching, buying, trading, and bidding on any of over 400 beautiful stamps in 20 levels. Every stamp is a little piece of art created by professional illustrator and artists exclusively for this game!
If you enjoy collecting or you are a simple amateur of arts, Stamp Art Fever is a must-have game for you. Elegant graphics, beautiful stamps with realistic art design, melodious background music will take you into a different world!
You have several ways to get the stamps you are looking for:
- Visit the Philately and make your purchases
- Sell to shop your duplicates to get coins for new stamps
- Search your missing copy in the Black Market
- Connect with other players all over the world and propose exchange
- Participate in auctions to bid on hard-to-find stamps
Try something absolutely new out of the App Store! Go ahead and catch the fever!
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